Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Visual Aids in Teaching Blog Site

After looking at the comments people are leaving on my blogs regarding the audio visual tasks, it seems that many of you, like me, are interested in going onto a career in teaching. I was just looking on the internet and came across a blog site; http://visualaidsinteaching.blogspot.co.uk/ It's quite old (2011) but it was still quite interesting to browse at and I also thought it was good to see how a blog was being used on a much greater scale. Anyway, it's there for anyone who is interested!


  1. That's right Amy,

    The use of social media is becoming much more accepted for teacher's to share ideas, it will be part of the future so being technically competent AND alert to its dangers is vital. Good link, thanks.

  2. Hi Amy,

    I am very key to visual learning for children, in fact today we had training of a new technique.

    This blog is so helpful.

    Have you heard if the website Twinkl? This site has fantastic visual resources for all different key stages and lessons. It also gives teachers and TA's the chance to comment and communicate how they used a percific resource.

    The website is www.twinkl.co.uk

    Hope this links gives you more information as your link has helped me a lot!

    Thanks :)

  3. Hi Amy (and Beth)

    I can't wait to have a look at these sites to see what they have to offer - this is definitely going on my 'things to do' list! I've just copied the link onto my Uni 'sticky' so I can't forget!

    On a separate note, I thought it might be helpful if everyone added the 'subscribe via email' option to their blog? You can find this in the 'layout' section of your blogger clicking on 'add a gadget' (I've put mine above my profile) and then choosing the 'subscribe via email' gadget. I thought this could save us all time as rather than checking everyday to see what's new, we would get an email telling us someone has a new blog topic. Just a thought! I'm going to post this to everyone.

  4. Yes go add to that I am now using cloud.feedly to aggregate my blogs - this is what Google Reader used to do - this means that I can go to one place to see BAPP (Arts) blogs as well as external ones - and organise these - of course I am not very sophisticated in my use of feedly yet - need to work on it this study term. So www.feedly.com/ or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devhd.feedly

  5. Hi Beth, that website looks really useful and is yet another, of endless examples, of how Web 2.0 is being used. I, however, am more interested in secondary teaching so it would be interesting to find out if there was another website, similar to the one you've suggested, for that. - Although I am sure that there would be! And Megan and Paula, I must do that because they both seem really handy 'devices' to be using and probably time-saving too.

  6. I'm using both the subscribe via email and 'RSS bot' and the moment, and currently the combination is working well for me - I've just written a post on these...take a look and let me know your thoughts.

    Take care


  7. Good work Amy. I'm very keen to see how this will work so thanks for the link. I'll let you know what I think.

