Thursday, 13 February 2014

Task 4a: Developing Lines of Inquiry

So I’m sat in Middlesex University waiting for the campus session to begin and Module 2 is now seeming even more real! I have been trying to tackle reader 4 but I’m thinking it’s going to take a few more reads yet until I fully understand! 

Being here this early would seem a good opportunity to post my questions up on here and after seeing that others have already uploaded theirs, I feel more confident!

As teaching is a career I would love to peruse upon completion of this degree, that is the subject area I decided to focus my questions on. I am also aware this is a career path many others on this course are looking into and therefore a good top to discuss!
  1. What makes a good teacher?
  2. Will my experience of professional training at a performing arts college help me more or less than than doing a dance degree at university when trying to persue a career in teaching?
  3. Does being so young affect staff/students taking me seriously as a teacher?
  4. How does teaching a creative subject such as dance/drama compare to teaching a  more academic subject?
  5. How does my teaching style compare to a more experienced practitioner?
  6. Will people people take me less seriously as a dancer for going straight into a teaching career as opposed to performing first?
  7. In such creative subjects, how do you find a “happy medium” between creativity and discipline as a teacher?
  8. As a teacher how do you encourage the students who are less willing to join in?
  9. How do you determine the best route to take in order to achiever your teaching qualification?
  10. Some students who are less able academically can excel in these creative subjects. Why is this? And can doing these subjects benefit them in the academic subjects?

Please feel free to comment and let me know your opinions!