So with the holiday season well and truly over it’s time to get back to work and start looking at Module 2. Despite sitting down with the intention of doing “uni work”, once again I ended up on Facebook and was horrified to come across this article about how every year, hundreds of Calderon dolphins, are killed for “fun” as a “right of passage” in the Denmark.
I quickly exited the site without thinking anymore of it other than how cruel it was and disgusted at the people who would participate in such activity.
It wasn’t until a few days later (when I was on Facebook again) that I came across this:
I feel this is a perfect example of how you cannot just accept the first source of information you read as the truth and shows the importance of making a deeper inquiry.
As it states in Reader 4, module 2 introduces you to, “a process of inquiry through which you will be able to further investigate, explore, evaluate and understand your professional practice.” I thought that this was just a small (not entirely relevant) example of what we are about to develop as we begin to put together ideas for our own professional inquiry’s.